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Photovoltaic systems

Technological solutions

The solar panels we offer are suitable both for personal use in small spaces and for building photovoltaic power plants. 
Here you will find variants and applications for them.

Фотоволтаични панели за бита, за дома и за вилата

Photovoltaic panels for the home

As electricity prices rise and PV systems fall, they are becoming an increasingly affordable and justifiable investment for end users and households. Although solar panels on the roof or in the garden could help us save quite a lot on our electricity bills, they are a way to reduce harmful emissions and give the gift of a better future for our children.

The main types of systems that are being built are 3. 

On Grid, Hybrid, Off Grid. Determining which system is most suitable for the home (cottage/vila) depends entirely on your needs and budget. 

Photovoltaic panels for business

Solar systems are well suited for businesses whether they want a surefire way to reduce their monthly electricity bills or build their business on a sustainable model.

Solar energy is one of the safest sources of renewable energy. Depending on the characteristics of solar heating in different areas, the needs of a given business can be predicted and calculated very accurately and based on this data, the most optimal photovoltaic system can be built.

Solar Panel Roof(соларен покрив) фотоволтаични соларни панели за бизнеса
Фотоволтаични соларни панели за ФЕЦ solar panels

Photovoltaic panels for Power Plants

Photovoltaic power plants are one of the best long-term investments you can make these days. By building them, you help the people with jobs. Also helping nature by protecting the environment and reducing harmful emissions. In addition, you are creating a secure and almost self-sustaining business that will continue to pay off for years.

Calculations show that with decreasing solar panel prices and increasing electricity prices, a  photovoltaic power plant can pay for itself within 4.5 years - 8 years. depending on the technologies invested in it. Bearing in mind that the average operating period of such a facility is 30 years, the investment is really worth it.

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